Thursday, September 25, 2008

Should I Be Ashamed?

I read all four of Stephenie Meyer's twilight books in 2 weeks time. I still don't know that I can tell you I loved them so much. Why did you like them?

Sometimes, well okay frankly a lot of the time I can't wait until my kids are all in school all day long. Wonder why, could it be things like the fact that my 3 year old is as we speak holding my mouth wide open and sticking a flashlight in my face? We're playing dentist.

If I have time to sit and think I sometimes find myself wondering what the Lord was thinking when he gave Nathan and I three CFers. Frankly, worldly as I am I'm not finding a lot of consolation in my Mansion in Heaven. Yes, I know the afflictions are but a moment, but still.

I Love to get presents so I started a new tradition in our house. It is called Thursday Present Day. I give someone in the Family a present just because its Thursday. I'm hoping it will catch on and they will give me presents too.

I wish I had more friends but have an insane complex that keeps me from being outgoing. So the other night I cried to my husband about it. Hello I'm 30 not 13.

Instead of buying songs off iTunes I search for fun compilations then download them from limewire for free. I have great workout music now.

It's true that I have bought little bags of lindor truffles and eaten the whole bag by myself. I can't believe I didn't even discover truffles until I was like 28.

I think my oldest child could be a model someday, but she is probably too thoughtful.

Before Tenille lost her front teeth sometimes I would catch myself just staring at her because her beauty was so stunning yet very unique.

I don't think there is anything wrong with having PapaJohns pizza once a week.


☂niki. said...

It's fun to get to know more about you! Blogging is good for that. It is my outlet. As I'm sure it is for many people.

AZ Wrights said...

It will be fun to keep up with your
fam via blog... Cute summer pics.

Sounds like Nate became an Edward widow for a few weeks:) Wasn't it fun?!?

Jami said...

Oh, Gina I am glad you commented on my blog! I LOVED this post! Maybe we could make this a game? "should I be ashamed"...I think I could be really good at it. Your post made my day, and it really put a smile on my face. I have lots to say about your post. First...I LOVE bad truffles, expecially champane ones. 2nd I LOVE coffee ice cream, but it is ok, because I put hot fudge on it. 3rd...I would LOVE to be your closest friend. I think your so funny!
mostly, thanks for the post!

Anne said...

I know what you mean about Twilight- they were good but not my favorite books ever. I did love The Host though (after the first 100 pages or so).

Thursday Present Day sounds like a great tradition. As for Papa John's.... if Ben could eat pizza we would totally do that! :)