I've just spent the last 36 hours trapped in a hospital room doing nothing but watching
tv and caring for my sick little one. Noelle had been sick for about 3-4 days when she started
vomiting. Over twenty-four hours she progressed into dehydration and by 3 am
Wednesday morning my husband was calling me at work to say she was dry. He brought her in to the ED and they promptly started a line and drew some labs, then
bolused her with fluids. She took it like a champ, Nathan and I do not raise
whimps. Then the blood
hemolyzed and they had to stick my baby again. :( By the time they redrew, her labs were mostly normal but she still wasn't keeping things down and her
WBC was high. They decided to admit her and at our
insistence she got a bed at our favored
As things progressed she did get better as far as no
vomiting, thanks to the IV fluids and IV
Zofran. However once dehydration was out of the way we began to see some
respiratory issues. Perhaps unfortunately for my DH he spent the first night with her and she became
Apneic. That is to say that she began to occasionally stop breathing. One can imagine how frightening this would be. The
hospitalists came in and immediately started her on O2, gave her IV
decadron (to reduce swelling of her airway) and administered an inhaled version of
epinephrin. She took two doses on the
racimicepi (
epinephrin), and began to settle down. Her airway remains compromised still and has forced the postponement of her g-tube placement.
So our baby Noelle currently rests in a crib that
resembles a prison over at Phoenix Children's with a feeding tube shoved up her nose and down to her stomach, an IV on her foot, oxygen running through her nose at night and an
oximeter on her big toe.
Can you believe that she is actually faring quite well when you compare her to other
CF'ers? Over the last few days I have come to realize what a beautiful smile she has and how much I miss not seeing it. She is on the upswing now and I
believe we will have a good weekend full of nearly toothless grins and wide crystal blue eyes, I bet her laugh will return too.
Thank you to our parents for the coverage they have provided over the last few days and the friends who've had our kids over to play. Currently the plan is to place her g-tube
Monday AM and hopefully since she is now taking feedings through the
NG tube her stay after the tube placement will be shorter.